Updating Template Mode

Wieldy - Admin Dashboard is available in Light, Semi-Dark and Dark version. By default, Mode is set to the Semi-Dark version, but you can set the default version of your choice by following these simple steps.

To set the default Template Mode, go to following file:


In this file, you can look for "themeType" property and set its value as per your choice.

To set the Light version, use value:- 'THEME_TYPE_LIGHT'

To set the Semi-Dark version, use value:- 'THEME_TYPE_SEMI_DARK'

To set the Dark version, use value:- 'THEME_TYPE_DARK'.

For Starter Templates: - If you want to set the Dark version, you need to follow two more step - 1. Add the following useEffect in src\containers\App\index.js

useEffect(() => {
  if (themeType === THEME_TYPE_DARK) {
}, [themeType]);

2. Open the file "styles.less" placed on the path -


In the bottom of this file, you will find a commented line of code: -

//@import "dark-theme"; // only use for dark theme

To enable the dark mode, you need to include this line into your code(un-comment this line) and you are done.

Last updated