Project Setup

How to install Wieldy 4 Vite version

Starting up with a new Vite project? Don't worry, Wieldy offers a starter-template for the Vite version which provides the base to your project and then gradually you can start adding more and more components (either from what we have show cased in the Wieldy Demo from the full demo folder) or from the other third party libraries available.

Step 1: Use Our Starter Template

To start your Vite project using the Wieldy template, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Starter Template: Obtain the latest version of the Jumbo starter template from either or Github Repo where you purchased it. Note: If you do not have access to the Github Repo yet then please go through with the topic Get Access to Wieldy and add yourself as a collaborator to the Github repo.

  2. Extract the Template: Unzip the downloaded file to your desired directory if you downloaded it from otherwise clone it from Github repository.

  3. Navigate to the Project Directory: Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the extracted project directory.


    cd path/to/your/project

Step 2: Install Dependencies

Once you have navigated to your project directory, you need to install all the necessary packages. These packages are listed in the package.json file. Run the following command to install them:


npm install

This command will download and install all the dependencies required for the project to run.

Step 3: Run the Project in Development Mode

To start the project in development mode, use the following command:


npm run dev

This command will start a local development server and you will be able to view your project in your browser at http://localhost:3000. Any changes you make to the code will automatically reflect in the browser.

Step 4: Create a Build for Production

When you're ready to deploy your project, you need to create a production build. Run the following command to create a build:


npm run build

With these steps, you should be able to set up and run your Wieldy Vite project smoothly.

Last updated