About Wieldy Vite
Wieldy 4.x | Vite 6.x | React Router Dom 6.x | Ant Design
Wieldy 4.x version offers a dedicated SPA solution powered with Vite and Wieldy Components. It comes up with a well crafted mechanism to implement layout system, better theming system using Ant Design as the base and hundreds of highly reusable components to boost-up your project development speed. This saves your hundreds of hours to setup the architectural things so that you can focus on your idea or your features implementation only.
Whats New
A complete revamp of core @wieldy components to meet the latest standards and an improved performance.
React Router Dom version 6.x
Ant Design with the latest version of 5.x
The WieldyLayout component and provider are updated now to support more flexibility while building your custom layouts for the app.
TypeScript Support
Libraries and Versions
ReactJS 18.x
React Router Dom 6.x
Ant Design 5.x
Key Features
9 Layouts
Light and Dark Theme
Hooks System to customize theme at run-time
Hooks System to update the layout at run-time
100+ highly reusable components
Consistent, Scalable and Optimised Code
Last updated
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